Sunday 8 July 2007

In which Mum and Tween go to Cornbury...

Note to self and anyone else who's listening. Do NOT sit on hay bales, surrounded by other hay bales when you get severe Hayfever! Poor Tween's eyes..

Lils enjoying the sun and the music.

K and the little Fella!

Tween using the hoody as a hay deflector..


Away from the hay, Tween and mates rush forward for Billy Pure!!!

Without doubt THE set at the Riverside stage, Andy was ACE.

Shed Theatre doing a segment from the upcoming Beggars Opera!

At main stages overexcited and waiting for the WATERBOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes they are miniscule, but yes the Waterboys were HERE!!!!!!!!

As always DM is the local papparazzo!!!

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