These photos were taken on mine and my friend K's phones, hence some are a bit blurry! Thanks to K for taking pics of my kids while taking pics of her own and thanks to L who took me some 'hard copy' photos which are gorgeous! (Now I need to get a new scanner!)
The general scene!
In the middle of the pic (curse my lack of zoom lense) is Bean and his friend L who were the representatives of Yr1 giving their posys of flowers to the May Queen. He was very proud and so was I!
Bean and L skipping back!
More skipping!
Excuse all the blobs, but with child protection issues I decided to make all the other children unidentifiable. Here's Ed looking thrilled to be being photographed.

Bean and his other partner K coming in to the field.

Bean and K.

Here comes year 3/4 and Ed and her partner!

Bean and K.

Way to hide behind a bunch of flowers Bean!! It was funny as we were all calling him and he was oblivious until K told him, turned him around and made him smile for us, bless that girl, she'll go far!
Ed and partner getting dizzy!

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