Friday, 25 May 2007

Look who's staying!

Yep, the GREAT news is, Gabby is staying with us!!! We love this little cutie and always thought it'd be hard to give her up, and thankfully with a little juggling on who adopted who, she was ours!!
So far Pixie seems fine with the idea of her being here. She still grooms Gabs sometimes, but I think she's stopped feeding her and hopefully now she'll see her as a friend and not her daughter. As long as that doesn't eventually lead to hissing and spitting!!!
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Wednesday, 23 May 2007

May is here!

The little 2's school has an annual May dancing afternoon and we all thoroghly enjoyed it! The weather was stunning to the point where poor Daddy got sunburnt!
These photos were taken on mine and my friend K's phones, hence some are a bit blurry! Thanks to K for taking pics of my kids while taking pics of her own and thanks to L who took me some 'hard copy' photos which are gorgeous! (Now I need to get a new scanner!)
The general scene!

In the middle of the pic (curse my lack of zoom lense) is Bean and his friend L who were the representatives of Yr1 giving their posys of flowers to the May Queen. He was very proud and so was I!

Bean and L skipping back!

More skipping!

Excuse all the blobs, but with child protection issues I decided to make all the other children unidentifiable. Here's Ed looking thrilled to be being photographed.

Bean and his other partner K coming in to the field.

Bean and K.

Here comes year 3/4 and Ed and her partner!

Bean and K.

Way to hide behind a bunch of flowers Bean!! It was funny as we were all calling him and he was oblivious until K told him, turned him around and made him smile for us, bless that girl, she'll go far!

Ed and partner getting dizzy!

A new home and a new name!

today we said farewell to Pilchard who was off to be a birthday present!! She isn't going far, to some friends after all and is the familys first kitty so we wish them well and lots of luck!! She's a perfect cat to start with, sweet, cuddly and with a LOUD purr and the 2 birthday children will be so happy to see her I'm sure!
Pilch also has a new name!! How exciting! To match her perfect tabby M on her head she is now Molly!!!! So here's Molly and Gabby having a last cuddle.

A little blurry, but I loved this pose!! Molly using Gabby as a cushion and sitting right on top of her!! How Gabs managed to sleep through that I'll never know!!!

Thursday, 10 May 2007

Bye Bye King!

It was Kings turn to leave today! The house is SO quiet without our rumbunctious boys running around all over the place and the girls have been quite quiet since their brothers left.
As it's a mini tradition, it was Kings turn to eat out of Mummys bowl on the counter top!

Having lunch with Mummy!

With my new human Mummy!!! She bought me toy mices to play with!! I love her!

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Possibly the best drink/dessert EVER!

There are many reasons why I married my lovely chef, but I do believe that this is one of them. I've been waiting for this, subconciously obviously, and now it's arrived....
THE PIMMS JELLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup, it's jelly, it's Pimms and the jelly is even fizzy!! Too coool!!!!! Despite not drinking much alcohol these days I managed this which gives me hope for many more of them this summer!

Ed wanted to model the jelly for us and she says she was after the strawberry in the middle of it, personally? I think she was after the booze!

9 weeks old and "bye bye" Lightening!!

Little Gabby girl playing with her scratchy post!!

As a goodbye treat, Lightening was allowed onto the counter to eat out of Mummys bowl!

Lightening likes the look of the water jug.

Just can't quite reach the water!

Oh, it's good for teething on though...

How many kittens can you fit on your cushions?

Everyone gives Lightening lots of loves before his new family come to collect him.

"I'm going to my new home to be a spoiled cat!! Ha ha ha!!"

No smoke without fire.. or in this case, no smoke, or fire!

On Sunday, shortly before coming down with a throat infection and the cold from hell I took the younger kids to the local Fire Station open day. I forgot the camera and the cellphone which I took these on was dying by the second so I only managed these few shots.
But here's Ed and Bean being fire fighters.
On Sunday, shortly before coming down with a throat infection and the cold from hell I took the younger kids to the local Fire Station open day. I forgot the camera and the cellphone which I took these on was dying by the second so I only managed these few shots.
But here's Ed and Bean being fire fighters.
First, the giant inflatable slide!

Ed got the cuter fireman........well done that girl!!