Gotcha! One pounce and you're history!
Will I come out all clean and fluffy at 30 degrees?
They'll never find me under here!
Oh look, King is on the prowl! Now there's a surprise!
Pretty Gabby...:)
HIIIIIYA!!!! I am Ninjja Kitten extraordinaire!!!!!!!!!!
It's tiring work being this handsome. I shall lie here and sun my spotted belly.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! I'm sitting on my brother! He'll never get up now, never I say!
Dreaming of Whiskas and mices.
Ha ha!! You really think the rest of this litter is as stunning as me? You're having a laugh!
I am cute and silver and lovely and butter wouldn't melt in my pretty little mouth.
OMG OMG OMG The cuteness in burning my retnas, I can't look away....cute kittens, last think I'll ever see....
What a wonderful little family you have there! I can only imagine the energy and excitement in the house when all four are all wound up and playing.
mommy says she has to check her sugar levels now - they must be up from all that sweetness
Ooo baby cats. I'm going into a diebetic coma now...They are the sweetest things on the planet!
With all the troubling sadness concerning other kitties with health problems, it did my heart good to see such young life full of promise. What gorgeous babies!!!
Kittens have got to be the cutest baby animals on earth!!
Cute kitten overload!!!
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