No individual shots this week as a) the Quads are getting too fiesty to sit still and pose for me and b) they are a bit boring!
Six weeks old!!! I can't believe they are so big already, but nor can I believe that some breeders let their kittens go this early!! The Quads are still babies, still having at least 6 feeds from their Mum a day and have just moved on to 3 pouches of food between the four of them. They need to be eating alot more and feeding from Pixie alot less before I'm ready to let them go! They've also not yet started playing with toys, climbing stairs, learnt their names and all the other things I think kittens should do before they're homed. I think we've proved that KippersKittens philosophy works as we've had many compliements on what wonderful cats last years litter were.
Here is Pilchard working on her slinky prowl...

The twins sleeping like a pair of bookends! They often do this and it's sooooo cute! If only I could keep them as a couple of homeware accessories!

King taking a quick drink when no one else is in the way!

Some individual ones of little Lightening, firstly because I know his humans read the blog regularly and will want to see him, and secondly, because I adore the little chap!! This cat ROCKS!!! This week Lightening has learnt his name and if he's in the mood, comes when he's called!! Very clever and very, very young for a kitten! He's clearly a genius!

And as she was posing so well, here's Pixie!!!

A tabby cat-nap!! Pilchard is sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy!!!

Ok, I'm awake now...

I LOVE this photo and I think Kings Mum will too!! I love the way he's got his arm around his sister!