Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Woolly bag!

A stripey side panel
A 39" gusset! I bet you wish you had a 39" gusset now don't you?

Christmas day 2008

Far too many photos to put here, so click on any of the pictures to go to the full album.

Christmas eve!

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a fringey teenager...
Or a small Bean
An enigmatic Ed
Bean praying for pressies
They take Christmas very  seriously...

Our offerings to FC

Hexen hausen etc..

Herewith a pile of photos from the 2 weekends before Christmas, cookie decorating, hexen haus building and some rather dubious mince pies.
More hexen tent than haus really!
Sligghtly puffier than you like it sir..
Much more hauslike
A penny whistle with no holes..
Hairy teen master builder.

Beanie, possibly high on sugar
Garishly decorated biscuits!!

O'Christmas tree..2008

Still unable to take a decent picture of a Christmas tree! This is definitely my favourite tree from recent years. Slightly smaller than usual but a perfect shape!

St Nicholas Eve..

Reading in Mummy's bed, waiting for SinterKlauus.

The choir open the school Christmas fair.

Spot the Eddo....
In this instance, the only boy in the choir!

Christmas lights!

The town twig. This is apparently meant to pass for a tree. I've deliberately photographed it in the dark in a blurry way so you are spared the full horror. 
Mmmmm tasteful 'stuff' on the Corn Exchange.
Ed looking up in wonder at the fake snow.. I'd like to show you the fake snow but it was so miniscule you cant actually see it.
Bean ditto.
Some very bored looking reindeer.