Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Mummy's Birthday!

My GAWJUS new kettle!!!!!! Mmmmmmm
A HUUUUUUGE bunch of flowers from everyone at work!

Beanie's Birthday!!!

I think Mummy must have used too much tape on this one!
YAY!!! Books! And no, big sis, you can't read it first!
What's from Uncle Mark?

Are you having a good birthday Beanie?? I think he might be!!
Small sisterly sulk...
Attractively dressed teenager...


Rainy birthday trip to town to buy more Crazy Bones and rent movies...
Cool wheels!
Ed borrowing his old bike!

The night before....

Building the wheels....

Oooh it's a hot rod!

Ta Da!!! All done!

The First Day of School.... (or IS it?)

The eagle eyed amoungst you will be able to see why these can't actually be first day of school pics but the rest of you....enjoy!

Teen... now a year NINE!!! How did THAT happen?

Eddo seems to have developed some sort of strange humpback...

Friday, 5 September 2008

Fishing with Gemma and Dan!!

While I was in hospital with Little Bump, Gemma and Dan took the kids fishing!

My children are being patient.... I'm worried!

I'm going to have to scan the photos of these 2 gorgeous people in, so you can see them at 3 months and 4!!
Oh good grief... who gave the teen a gun?
The proud Beanster with his FISH!
Fishy, fishy, fishy!!!!!
Back from fishing and onto the X-Box. Eddo wisely eats toffee popcorn instead.