Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Sports Day!

The kids school managed half a sports day today before a thunderstorm came along and stopped it! Poor Ed fell over on her first 'activity' (it was one of thae non competative jobbies) and had to be taken into infants for first aid (ice in a tea towel to the chin!)
Luckily she soon bounced back and had fun!

Bean LOVES sports, so this was his idea of heaven!

Approaching the hurdles....

FLYING over the hurdle!! I think it was a wee bit too low for our Bean!

About to take a penalty shot..psyching herself while waiting for the ball

Bean 'relaying'!

Very tired Bean at the orange squash break...3o seconds before the heavens opened!
Ed crawling under a giant pipecleaner thingumy..
Balancing on a very wet and slippery bench.. this was 'Xtreme Sports Day'
Showing how Miss F's high knees ballet skipping helps in hurdling.
Oops! She hurdled too quickly for the camera!


It was the local carnival on Saturday so the little 2 and I braved the wind and clouds and went for a wander. It was a lovely day if a bit blustery and expensive!
Here Ed decided that she wasn't too old to go on the ladybugs... who am I to argue?
Note the gorgeous face painting courtesy of our new church!

Bean shows his 'tattoo'. He's not a fan on facepainting so went for some arm painting!

How do you tie Skubidoos again?

The petting zoo was a big hit! Here's a cute ickle pony..

Ed gets up close and personal with a sheep!

I'm a butterfly!

I want a pet cow now!

Bean says I can't have a pet cow... here is his reaction to the smell!

Next the kids took a ride on the Smiley Train while trolley and I stood and waited.
Here they come..
Getting closer..


Bean looking very unsure at the Morris dancing. That's my boy!
Sadly Ed was quite enthralled by the strange women in clogs and bells.... oh dear...

Sunday, 8 July 2007

In which Mum and Tween go to Cornbury...

Note to self and anyone else who's listening. Do NOT sit on hay bales, surrounded by other hay bales when you get severe Hayfever! Poor Tween's eyes..

Lils enjoying the sun and the music.

K and the little Fella!

Tween using the hoody as a hay deflector..


Away from the hay, Tween and mates rush forward for Billy Pure!!!

Without doubt THE set at the Riverside stage, Andy was ACE.

Shed Theatre doing a segment from the upcoming Beggars Opera!

At main stages overexcited and waiting for the WATERBOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes they are miniscule, but yes the Waterboys were HERE!!!!!!!!

As always DM is the local papparazzo!!!

Oz Magic!

Ed and Lils ready for their lift (thanks to K for this photo) Bean was being given a lift by a friends Mum so I need to stage a picture of him in his Tshirt at a later date.
But here are 2 pieces of yellow brick road.

The cast with the road in front of them!
Somewhere in that seething mass of yellow are my children.. it's like a 'spot the ball contest' but harder!